By: Farhan Ajmal

        Berlin is soon to become home to something truly unique. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are planning to build a house of worship here. One that brings a synagogue, a church, and a mosque together under one roof. The three separate sections will be linked by a communal room in the center of the building. This will serve as a meeting place, where worshipers and members of the public can come together and learn more about the religions and each other.

           As the capital of Germany, Berlin is more than just the political hub of the country. Its famous museums, diverse theaters, and outstanding universities and academies put it on a par with world-class cities everywhere. The group behind The House of One know that, having chosen Berlin as the future site of their pioneering structure, the house will bring the city’s inspiring residents together in a fruitful dialogue that will enrich and expand the minds of all those who participate.

         The basic aim of this house is to make people gather and to collect the best parts of all the three religions and join them to create a prosperous and successful society.God saves us all from wrong decision making but in some cases if the head of one community member fails to defend his points then may be misunderstandings and disturbances can may occur but we hope for good for this house.

        The history of Berlin is filled with great successes, new beginnings, sudden endings, and immeasurable guilt. Its Jews were emancipated around 1800, and then destroyed between 1933 and 1945. The Berlin Wall became the symbol of a divided world when it was built in 1961, and was then transformed into an enduring image of peace as it fell in 1989. The House of One on Petriplatz, the medieval birthplace of Berlin, aims to add a new and hopeful chapter to the diverse history of this city.

Researcher Pakistan
